*class myapp.tests.test_views.DJATestCase(methodName='runTest')*
Bases: rest_framework.test.APITestCase
test cases using Django REST Framework drf-json-api (DJA)
I should be able to POST the primary data and relationships together.
Make sure we can PATCH the attributes and relationships
See https://jsonapi.org/format/#crud-updating-resource-relationships
test rest_framework_json_api.pagination.JsonApiPageNumberPagination: page[size] and page[number]
test keyword search (rest_framework.filters.SearchFilter): filter[all]=keywords
test field search (django_filters.rest_framework.DjangoFilterBackend): filter[<field>]=values
test field for a list of values (ORed): ?filter[field.in]=ANTB,BIOB,XXXX
test fields (ANDed): ?filter[subject_area_code]=ANTB&filter[course_number]=1234
test sparse fieldsets
test sort
test sort of nonexistent field
test include
test toMany relationship and related links for courses.related.course_terms
test toOne relationship and related links for course_terms.related.course
See if permissions are correctly implemented.
confirm that somebody lacks course_terms view permission