Architecture Principles provides foundation in following areas
Architecture Principles articulate the fundamental rules and guidelines used to define the Architecture Strategy.
Architecture Principles ultimately form the basis for making IT decisions regarding the selection, use, and deployment of all IT resources and assets across the enterprise.
Architecture Principles should be clearly related back to the business objectives and key architecture drivers.
Below are the list of principles approved by CUIT Leadership and Columbia University Leadership teams.
ID | Domain | Description |
CU-PRIN-BUSI-001 | Business | Primacy of Principles |
CU-PRIN-BUSI-002 | Business | Protection of Intellectual Property, Individual Privacy and Academic Freedom |
CU-PRIN-BUSI-003 | Business | Business Continuity |
CU-PRIN-BUSI-004 | Business | Common Use Services/Applications |
CU-PRIN-BUSI-005 | Business | Self Service 7×24 |
CU-PRIN-DATA-001 | Data | Data is an Asset |
CU-PRIN-DATA-002 | Data | Data is Shared |
CU-PRIN-DATA-003 | Data | Data is Accessible |
CU-PRIN-DATA-004 | Data | Common Vocabulary and Data Definitions |
CU-PRIN-DATA-005 | Data | Data Security |
CU-PRIN-APPL-001 | Application | Technology Independence |
CU-PRIN-APPL-002 | Application | Buy Before Build: Cloud First |
CU-PRIN-APPL-003 | Application | Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) |
CU-PRIN-APPL-004 | Application | Reuse |
CU-PRIN-TECH-001 | Technology | Control Technical Diversity |
CU-PRIN-TECH-002 | Technology | Interoperability |
Detailed Columbia University Principles are available here
Strategy Pillars
Following are Strategy Pillar from office of CIO.
- Operationally Sound
Well-defined processes
Measurable outcomes
Appropriately architected for stability and security
- Customer Service Oriented
Service Desk improvement
Focus on services as they relate to customer outcomes
Emphasis on “Service Management” as a competency
- Columbia Relevant
Providing true partnerships for technology solutions
Keeping a roadmap that considers future technologies
Being bold, but not reckless
Embracing our local innovators
Strategy and Principles
Diagram below illustrates principles mapping to Columbia University's Enterprise Principles.
As part of alignment of Columbia's enterprise portfolio, all applications are required to be adhere to enterprise principles, any deviation will required proper dispensations from the IT leadership team.