Versions Compared


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Comment: added more text to the info section on VS code abt downgrading of Windows local app

Table of Contents

Ginsburg is currently running Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 8.2.

The table below shows software already installed on the cluster system-wide.




Location / Module


AFNI23.1.05module load AFNI/23.1.05Analysis of Functional Neuro Images

Anaconda Python 3.11.5 2023.09

Python 3.11.5

module load anaconda/3-2023.09

Python for Scientific Computing

Anaconda Python  2.7.16 2019.10

Python 2.7.16

module load anaconda/2-2019.10

Python for Scientific Computing

ancestry_hmmancestry_hmmmodule load ancestry_hmm/0.94Program designed to infer adaptive introgression from population genomic data.
ANTs2.4.4module load ANTs/2.4.4ANTs computes high-dimensional mappings to capture the statistics of brain structure and function



module load bcftools/1.18

Reading/writing BCF2/VCF/gVCF files and calling/filtering/summarising SNP and short indel sequence variants



module load cactus/2.6.7

Comparative Genomics Toolkit



module load candi/9.4.2-r3

The shell script downloads, configures, builds, and installs deal.II with common dependencies on linux-based systems



module load cuda12.0/toolkit

GPU Computing

cudnn8.0module load cudnn8.0-cuda11.1CUDA Deep Neural Network library
freesurfer7.4module load freesurfer/7.4Brain imaging software
FSL6.0.5.2module load FSL/ tools for FMRI, MRI and DTI brain imaging data
gcc13.0.1module load gcc/13.0.1Compiler - C / C++
glpk5.0module load glpk/5.0C library for solving large-scale linear programming (LP), mixed integer programming (MIP)
gurobi10.0.3module load gurobi/10/0/3Prescriptive analytics platform and a decision-making technology 
hdf51.10.1module load hdf5/1.10.1High performance data software library & file format


module load htslib/1.19

A C library for reading/writing high-throughput sequencing data
Intel oneAPI toolkit


module load intel-oneAPI-toolkit <library>

Core set of tools and libraries for developing high-performance, data-centric applications across diverse architectures. 

2020 Update 4

module load intel-parallel-studio/2020Intel Compiler 
julia1.5.3module load julia/1.5.3Programming Language
knitro13.2.0module load knitro/13.2.0Software package for solving large scale nonlinear mathematical optimization problems; short for "Nonlinear Interior point Trust Region Optimization"
lastz1.04.15module load lastz/1.04.15A program for aligning DNA sequences, a pairwise aligner.
LBPM22.08module load LBPM/22.08Model flow processes based on digital rock physics


module load leptonica/1.83.0A ipedagogically-oriented open source library containing software that is broadly useful for image processing and image analysis 
libRadtran2.0.5modulel load libRadtran/2.0.5A library for radiative transfer
Mathematica13.2module load Mathematica/13.2Numerical Computing
Matlab2023amodule load matlab/2023aNumerical Computing


module load metis/5.1.0

A set of serial programs for partitioning graphs, partitioning finite element meshes.


module load mumps/5.6.2

MUltifrontal Massively Parallel Sparse direct Solver

module load netcdf-fortran-intel/4.5.3

Array Interface Library
netcdf/gcc4.7.4module load netcdf/gcc/64/gcc/64/4.7.4Array Interface Library


module load nextflow/23.10.0Enables scalable and reproducible scientific workflows using software containers.
occswV2022.3module load ocsswOcean Color Science Software, CLI version
octave5.2.0module load octaveInstalled on all compute nodes, start with 'octave'. Mathematics-oriented syntax with built-in 2D/3D plotting and visualization 
OpenFOAMv2206module load OpenFOAM/v2206Computational fluid dynamics.
openmpi4.1.5a1openmpi/gcc/64/4.1.5a1OpenMPI Compiler
Quantum Espresso7.2module load QE/7.2Quantum Espresso
R3.6.3module load R/3.6.3Programming Language
R4.3.1module load R/4.3.1Programming Language
samtools1.19module load samtools/1.19Suite of programs for interacting with high-throughput sequencing data


2.2.0module load scalapack/2.2.0Scalable Linear Algebra PACKage
Schrodinger2024-1module load schrodinger/2024-1Modeling, analysis and computational tasks


9.0.1module load seadas/9.0.1

A comprehensive software package for the processing, display, analysis, and quality control of ocean color data. Requires XQuartz on a Mac or Mobaxterm on Windows.

Singularity3.7.1module load singularity/3.7.1

Run Docker-like containers


module load stata/18

General-purpose statistical software
stopos0.93module load stoposCreate and manage computing tasks
tesseract5.3.1module load tesseractOCR
VCFTools0.1.17module load vcftools/0.1.17A set of tools written in Perl and C++ for working with VCF files
vim9.1module load vim/9.1vi improved test editor

Visual Studio Code Server

Not a moduleA server side Integrated Development Environment hosted on Ginsburg compute nodes
WIEN2kWIEN2k_21.1module load WIEN2k_21.1Perform electronic structure calculations of solids using density functional theory.
workbench1.5.0module load workbench/1.5.0Visualization and Discovery tool used to map neuro-imaging data 



It's possible that the next time you try to use the tunnel you've just made, you may not be able to re-connect. The connection may keep trying endlessly, or finally fail with an error. This is because the srun session in the first step has placed you on another node different from the one where you created the tunnel. IF that happens, follow the steps below: 

1) In your local VSCode app (if you use a local copy of VS Code and not the browser-based window version), unregister/delete all of your existing tunnels. We’ll be making a new one.

2) Login to Ginsburg. Do not start an srun session yet.

3) Delete your invisible vscode settings folders in your home directory  (" rm -r .vscode* ")

4) Start an srun session as described above, type "code tunnel", and follow all of the directions as normal. Open VScode in the web browser first. It will take a moment as the new tunnel is created. If you only use VS Code in the browser, you are now done.

5) If you prefer to use a local copy of VS Code on your computer, you can now connect to this tunnel in it. WINDOWS USERS, additionally you may need to downgrade your local copy of Visual Studio Code to version 1.8.1 due to a bug existing as of this writing (8/28/2024).