Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


LocationSizeĀ Default User Quota
50 GB
/burg/abernathey20 TB50 GB
/burg/anastassiou5 TB50 GB
/burg/apam7 TB

50 GB

/burg/asenjo1 TB50GB
/burg/astro35 65 TB50 GB
/burg/berkelbach16 TB50 GB
/burg/biostats10 TB50 GB
/burg/camargo5 6 TB50 GB
/burg/ccce22 TB50 GB
/burg/cgl20 30 TB50 GB
/burg/crew11 TB50 GB
/burg/dsi52 TB50 GB
/burg/dslab6 7 TB50 GB
/burg/e3labe3b1 2 TB50 GB
/burg/edru2 TB50 GB
/burg/fioreemlab20 1 TB50 GB
/burg/freefiore1 21 TB64 50 GB
/burg/glab30 TB50 GB
/burg/gsb2 TB50 GB
/burg/hblab20 TB50 GB
/burg/iicd20 21 TB50 GB
/burg/jalab7 8 TB50 GB
/burg/katt32 TB50 GB
/burg/kellylab1 TB50 GB
/burg/mckinley20 21 TB50 GB
/burg/millis10 TB50 GB
/burg/mjlab8 TB50 GB
/burg/morphogenomics-lab50 TB50 GB
/burg/myers1 2 TB50 GB
/burg/ntar_lab2 TB50 GB
/burg/ocp100 TBOCP shared volume with per user 10 TB quota.
/burg/oshaughnessy2TB50 GB
/burg/palab120 TB50 GB
/burg/psych5 15 TB50 GB
/burg/qmech2 TB50 GB
/burg/rqlab10 TB50 GB
/burg/sail3 TB50 GB
/burg/seager10 TB50 GB
/burg/seasdean16 TB50 GB
/burg/sobel10 TB50 GB
/burg/sscc90 TB50 GB
/burg/stats20 TB50 GB
/burg/stock10 11 TB50 GB
/burg/subram4 TB50 GB
/burg/thea50 88 TB50 GB
/burg/theory10 11 TB50 GB
/burg/ting5 TB50 GB
/burg/tosches4 5 TB50 GB
/burg/urban5 TB50 GB
/burg/vedula20 21 TB50 GB
/burg/wu5 6 TB50 GB
/burg/zi10 TB50 GB

The amount of data stored in any directory along with its subdirectories can be found with:
