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Comment: There's no time limit anymore.


To turn off a Jupyter notebook instance, you may use the standard SLURM job cancelling command (scancel).   Note that there is a time limit of 5 days for jobs that run on the shared or burst partitions (see Slurm Overview), so any Jupyter notebook servers running on these partitions will be cancelled automatically after the time limit is exceeded.

sjupyter can also be run with any of the standard sbatch flags, so if you want to specify exactly what resources should be available to the Jupyter notebook instance, you may do so by appending sbatch options to the command you run.  For instance, the command below requests that 3 GPUs and 16 GB of memory per CPU be available to the Jupyter notebook:


Code Block
ssh -L 8080:<notebook ip>:<notebook port> -p 55 <uni>@mbb<uni>

In the example below we are running this command where the notebook ip is, notebook port is 8944 and the uni is aa3301

Code Block
titleStarting an ssh tunnel from your local machine
> ssh -L 8080: -p 55's password:
Last login: Mon Apr  6 10:10:02 2020 from
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