This page contains a listing of reported emails have were determined to be phishing attempts.
To check if a message you have received is a phishing attempt, please use your browser's search function to find if the email you received has been deemed a phishing attempt.
Sender Name | Sender Email | Subject | Attachment Name(s) | Approximate Phish Date (EST) |
Rodrigo Fujii | rodrigo[.]pop[.]1995[@]outlook[.]com[.]br | FLEXIBLE INTERNSHIP WORK |
| 2023-10-23 14:01:57 GMT-4 |
Luca Carloni | lc2257[@]cs[.]columbia[.]edu | Internship No. 00421 | Acceptance Notice |
| 2023-10-20 14:59:36 GMT-4 |
Sagara Chamila | sagarakaranarathnt457[@]gmail[.]com | Important update regarding COVID-19 protocols |
| 2023-10-22 17:10:09 GMT-4 |
Bank Do | ratnphngssmwngkh[@]gmail[.]com | You're invited to our art exhibit |
| 2023-10-23 09:30:25 GMT-4 |
ricky | ricky[@]cicerosgardens[.]com | Creative; Internship Work Program |
| 2023-10-18 14:16:59 GMT-4 |
Luca Carloni | lcarloni444[@]gmail[.]com | Re: Internship No. 00421 | PAYCHECK |
| 2023-10-19 16:25:57 GMT-4 |
ricky | ricky[@]cicerosgardens[.]com | Progressive Detailed Virtual Internship. |
| 2023-10-18 10:36:10 GMT-4 |
Sophie Godin | sb[@]lignes[.]be | Columbia University - Sophie Godin shared "INTERNSHIP WORK OPPORTUNITY" with you |
| 2023-10-12 15:06:23 GMT-4 |
Sales - Miracle Electronic Devices Pvt. Ltd. | Sales[@]miracle[.]net[.]in | Progressive Detailed Virtual Internship. |
| 2023-10-10 14:56:17 GMT-4 |
Luca Carloni | lcarloni444[@]gmail[.]com | Internship No. 00421 | Acceptance Notice |
| 2023-10-11 16:01:34 GMT-4 |
Dr Carl Harold | carolynbarbara34[@]gmail[.]com | Break |
| 2023-09-26 13:10:47 GMT-4 |
Guan, Michael | michael[.]guan[@]yale[.]edu | [Next Step] You've Been Selected for the Final Round! |
| 2023-09-25 18:45:00 GMT-4 |
Guan, Michael | michael[.]guan[@]yale[.]edu | [Next Step] You've Been Selected for the Final Round! |
| 2023-09-25 18:30:00 GMT-4 |
Thomas James Terhaar | tt2849[@]columbia[.]edu | GIVEAWAY-DOWNSIZING MUSICAL INSTRUNMENTS AND ITEMS |
| 2023-09-22 12:13:17 GMT-4 |
=?iso-8859-1?Q?Doctor_Jos=E9_Francisco_Mieres?= | EE0550803[@]me[.]cba[.]gov[.]ar | Virtual Administrative Assistant Application for Students |
| 2023-09-17 21:15:38 GMT-4 |
ERICK SANCHEZ CARRASCO | ce2302529[@]ce[.]buap[.]mx | Open Opportunity For You. |
| 2023-08-16 21:38:03 GMT-4 |
Mark R Amstislavskiy | mra2199[@]columbia[.]edu | Personal Assistant Service |
| 2023-09-06 16:56:37 GMT-4 |
Mark R Amstislavskiy | mra2199[@]columbia[.]edu | 2-Factor Authentication Email. |
| 2023-09-06 16:56:23 GMT-4 |
ERICK SANCHEZ CARRASCO | ce2302529[@]ce[.]buap[.]mx | You Have Been Appointed |
| 2023-09-05 16:35:06 GMT-4 |
Aidan Mirek Armagh | ama2390[@]columbia[.]edu | Personal Assistant Position (Remote) |
| 2023-09-05 14:30:32 GMT-4 | via Faculty | ucf+akash_at_knights[.]ucf[.]edu[@]gaggle[.]email | [Faculty] Email Confirmation. |
| 2023-08-31 07:12:09 GMT-4 |
Luca Carloni | lc2257[@]columbia[.]edu | CS-WORK ANALYSIS 1 |
| 2023-08-29 14:34:41 GMT-4 |
Hello Media SG | hello[@]hellomedia[.]sg | Student Research Employment |
| 2023-08-23 12:46:38 GMT-4 |
Maria Carol | manfred[@]connect2me[.]de | Student Research Employment |
| 2023-08-23 13:01:26 GMT-4 |
EDWIN ZOQUIAPA GALAVIZ | edwin[.]zoquiapa[@]alumno[.]buap[.]mx | Open Opportunity For You. |
| 2023-08-16 23:11:43 GMT-4 |
LUIS HERNANDEZ BONILLA | luis[.]hernandezbon[@]alumno[.]buap[.]mx | Open Opportunity For You. |
| 2023-08-16 22:44:24 GMT-4 |
Columbia University | ja3747[@]columbia[.]edu | Part Time Internship |
| 2023-08-20 02:12:47 GMT-4 |
Columbia University via DocuSign | dse_NA4[@]docusign[.]net | Payroll System Update |
| 2023-08-17 17:17:18 GMT-4 |
Robert | marineduplicate[@]gmail[.]com | Re: ***The Application has been approved/First task*** |
| 2023-08-15 17:48:07 GMT-4 |
Portia Griffith | PGportia[@]outlook[.]com | This vacancy is for a student assistant position at Columbia University. |
| 2023-08-15 13:01:08 GMT-4 |
Dinis Batalha | dinis[.]batalha[@]aluno[.]ifsp[.]edu[.]br | Open Opportunity For You. |
| 2023-08-16 22:05:20 GMT-4 |
Gabriel Moura | gabriel[.]moura[@]aluno[.]ifsp[.]edu[.]br | Open Opportunity For You. |
| 2023-08-16 22:21:48 GMT-4 |
Jacqualine Mclauchlen | jacqualinemclauchlenmrs42[@]gmail[.]com | internship available |
| 2023-08-03 15:13:16 GMT-4 |
Reginald Henderson | Reggie[@]thehendersonlawfirmpllc[.]com | COLUMBIA UNI UNDERGRAD REMOTE JOB NOW OPEN - SUMMER 2023 |
| 2023-07-13 08:54:02 GMT-4 |
Chris Nelson | chris[@]performance-building-solutions[.]com | INTERNSHIP: SERVICES NEEDED FOR UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS |
| 2023-07-17 15:55:00 GMT-4 |
Luca Carloni | lc2257[@]columbia[.]edu | CS-PAYCHECK 2 |
| 2023-07-14 20:03:59 GMT-4 |
Luca Carloni | lc2257[@]columbia[.]edu | CS-WORK ANALYSIS 2 |
| 2023-07-12 08:16:42 GMT-4 |
Luca Carloni | lc2257[@]columbia[.]edu | CS-PAYCHECK |
| 2023-07-11 11:52:58 GMT-4 |
Luca Carloni | lc2257[@]columbia[.]edu | CS-REMOTE TASK 1 (PRICE INQUIRY) |
| 2023-07-10 11:42:48 GMT-4 |
Christina Logan | hello[@]christinalogandesign[.]com | Introducing: Application for Internship Work |
| 2023-07-10 10:18:43 GMT-4 |
Brice Molina | brice[@]briceisincharge[.]com | ADVERT FOR INTERNSHIP ENROLLMENT FOR STUDENTS. |
| 2023-07-17 12:24:22 GMT-4 |
Martin Smith | mps[@]mpsnotary[.]co[.]uk | APPLICATION: INTERNSHIP VACANCY WORK |
| 2023-06-27 11:42:12 GMT-4 |
Acsa Celeste Ingabire | acsaceleste[.]ingabire[@]leerling[.]hhscholen[.]be | EFFECTIVE REMOTE JOB FOR STUDENT | Administrative Assistants (Remotely) For Student...pdf | 2023-07-05 21:54:08 GMT-4 |
Christina Logan | hello[@]christinalogandesign[.]com | INTERNSHIP: SERVICES NEEDED FOR UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS |
| 2023-07-12 10:39:41 GMT-4 |
Bev Lovell | bal[.]doble[@]btconnect[.]com | Introducing: Application for Internship Work |
| 2023-06-26 11:04:15 GMT-4 |
Keisha Marissa Jackson | kmj2166[@]columbia[.]edu | Potential research scam |
| 2023-06-24 14:30:45 GMT-4 |
Isabel Beatrice Maria Andreatta | ima2131[@]columbia[.]edu | Re: ***Application approved | First task*** |
| 2023-06-25 11:35:11 GMT-4 |
Mattiz Vanderbeken | mattiz[.]vanderbeken[@]leerling[.]hhscholen[.]be | You Have been randomly selected.. APPLY |
| 2023-06-23 22:37:45 GMT-4 |
Charlotte-Sophie Krazius | charlottesophie[.]krazius[@]leerling[.]hhscholen[.]be | You Have been randomly selected.. APPLY |
| 2023-06-23 21:47:56 GMT-4 |
WeTransfer | noreply[@]wetransfer[.]com | sent you ICAP-COVKIT910410 via WeTransfer |
| 2023-06-22 13:45:55 GMT-4 |
Claudia Mendoza | cam2223222[@]outlook[.]com | Re: ICAP-COVKIT910410 sent successfully to |
| 2023-06-23 10:20:17 GMT-4 |
Maureen E. Raymo | executivdire11[@]gmail[.]com | Quick Task: June 13th |
| 2023-06-13 05:01:52 GMT-4 |
Sophie Lee | sl4766[@]adcu[.]columbia[.]edu | FW: ICAPCU-DOC#0312041 sent successfully to |
| 2023-05-09 09:21:27 GMT-4 |
WeTransfer | noreply[@]wetransfer[.]com | sent you ICAPCU-DOC#0312041 via WeTransfer |
| 2023-05-09 05:39:23 GMT-4 |
Customer Support | support[@]mail-donotreply[.]com | Customer Complaint |
| 2023-04-17 12:06:27 GMT-4 |
IT Support | support[@]securityalert-corporate[.]com | Unusual VPN Activity |
| 2023-03-28 09:34:38 GMT-4 |
Juliana Driever | jd2185[@]columbia[.]edu | Re: THE World Universities Insights Ltd: Statement As of 12/04/2023 |
| 2023-04-12 09:43:18 GMT-4 |
С�¾lumbiа_University | autohausstohner[@]online[.]de | Rе:_Internship_program |
| 2023-04-04 09:01:00 GMT-4 |
| 2023-03-09 12:12:01 GMT-5 |
NETFLIX | admin[@]netlixx[.]net | [EXTERNAL] Netflix account suspension for password sharing |
| 2023-03-01 15:48:48 GMT-5 |
Connor Knezic | treasurer0179[@]gmail[.]com | Request |
| 2023-02-14 12:49:49 GMT-5 |
IT Support | itsupport[@]automated-mailsender[.]com | Document shared with you |
| 2023-02-16 08:53:57 GMT-5 |
Carlos J De Jesus Crespo | DeJesusCrespo[.]CarlosJ[@]gsu[.]glenville[.]edu | Seasonal Personal Assistant Position |
| 2023-02-01 06:10:14 GMT-5 |
Support_team | ressie[.]beier33859[@]icloud[.]com | Thank you for choosing us#OKASL1548 |
| 2023-01-30 09:03:06 GMT-5 |
Emma Peterson (via Google Docs) | drive-shares-dm-noreply[@]google[.]com | Document shared with you: "2023 Faculty Evaluation .Docx" |
| 2023-01-24 17:27:59 GMT-5 |
Steven M. Bellovin | smb[@]cs[.]columbia[.]edu | FIRST TASK |
| 2023-01-10 13:06:42 GMT-5 |
С�¾lumbiа_University | autohausstohner[@]online[.]de | Rе:_Internship_program | 38478399.txt | 2023-04-04 09:01:00 GMT-4 |