Configure VPN on your PC - Windows 11

Configure VPN on your PC - Windows 11

This article is intended for use by students who need to set up their Windows devices with Columbia VPN.

Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a service that allows you to connect to the Columbia network via an encrypted tunnel. VPN essentially simulates you being on campus without physically being here. To use the Columbia VPN service you will have to set up Duo MFA with your UNI identity. Duo MFA is required to access Columbia VPN services.


Duo Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Authentication is the process of proving your identity during the login process. Two-factor authentication adds an additional proof of identification. Multi-factor authentication (MFA) layers multiple methods of identification for greater security.

Duo is a tech company that provides identity and access management solutions. Duo's MFA system is what is currently being used at Columbia University.

Duo MFA can use three methods of identification to validate your UNI identity. Those methods are:

  • Push notifications sent through the Duo mobile device app

  • An automated phone call.

  • One-time use passcodes.

Install the Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client

We will use the Push notification method to download and install the Cisco Anyconnect app. Please follow the steps to install the Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client on your Windows device:

  1. Visit the Columbia VPN Portal:

  2. Enter:
    Username: YourUNI
    Password: YourUniPassword
    Duo Action: push


  3. Click the Login button.


  4. Tap the checkmark to approve the login request from your mobile device.

  5. Click the AnyConnect link.


  6. Click the Start AnyConnect link.


  7. Click the Download for macOS button.


  8. From the taskbar, right-click the Start button.


  9. Click the File Explorer shortcut.


  10. Click your Downloads folder.


  11. Double-click the anyconnect-win-4.10.04071-core-vpn-... file to start the installation.


  12. Click the Next button.


  13. Click the I accept the terms in the License Agreement radio button.


  14. Click the Next > button.


  15. Click the Continue button.


  16. Click the Yes button.


  17. Click the Install button.


Connect to Columbia VPN for the first time.

You have to connect one time so that your Windows device can save the server address. Please follow the steps to connect to Columbia VPN:

  1. From the taskbar, right-click the Start button.


  2. Select the Search shortcut.


  3. In the Search field, enter: Cisco

  4. Click the Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client app.

  5. In the text field, enter: vpn.cc.columbia.edu

  6. Click the Connect button.

  7. Enter:
    Username: YourUNI
    Password: YourUniPassword
    Second Password: push

  8. Click the OK button.


  9. Tap the checkmark to approve the login request from your mobile device.

  10. From the taskbar, right-click the Start button.


  11. In the Search field, enter: Cisco

  12. Click the Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client app.


  13. Click the Disconnect button to end the VPN session.

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