You can also access the graphical user interface (GNOME) for the Fitzpatrick workstations remotely as well by using VNC. To use VNC, you will need a VNC client installed on your laptop/workstation. A list of VNC clients available for various platforms can be found here. Note that Mac OS X comes with a built-in VNC client, which is accessible from the Finder by navigating to Go → Connect to Server and then entering vnc://[spgpu or exxgpu][#].fitzpatrick.zi.columbia.edu:5901
. VNC is accessible on port 5901, and requires authentication using credentials distributed to the Fitzpatrick lab.
M will take in data produced by RELION as input as described in the pipeline outline here. Since RELION is not a native Windows application, this will require that you make heavy use of the Fitzpatrick lab Engram storage, which (as mentioned above) is mapped to the D drive. Roughly, you will need to perform the first steps of the pipeline (preprocessing, particle image/sub-tomogram export) on warp.fitzpatrick using Warp, then run classification and refinement on the cryoem cluster or a Linux-based workstation and save the results to Engram, and then perform the final steps of the pipeline on warp.fitzpatrick using M.
Remote Access
The Windows Warp/M workstation is remotely accessible using RDP. You can find a list of Microsoft-sanctioned RDP clients here. For Linux, we suggest using Remmina.