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  1. Log in to CourseWorks.
  2. In the site navigation, click on the Calendar tab.
    Calendar tab icon in Site navigation
  3. Near the top right of the screen, click on the Create New Event (+) button.
    plus sign or create new event button
  4. Click Appointment Group.
  5. Enter the Appointment Group Settings.
    1. Name - the title of the appointment group. e.g. LAW 100 Office Hours
    2. Location - where the office hours will be held. e.g. Remote via Zoom or JGH 100
    3. Calendar - select the course that you'd like it associated with.
    4. Details - any information that registrants will need such as zoom meeting details.
    5. Date/Time Range - enter the dates and time ranges for your sessions. If you want, you can enter a longer duration and then use the divide into equal slots feature to break up your time slots.Image Removedappointment group settingsImage Added
  6. Fill out the above settings and then click the blue Publish button.
