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Table of Contents

Engram can be accessed remotely by using the CUIT Virtual Private Network (VPN) service. (More VPN setup details provided here (Limited access UNI login required))

How To Connect To Engram Windows Drive from Mac OS X

These instructions are for Mac OS X Sierra (10.12.3) but they should be similar for other versions. The view options in your Finder may be set differently than what is shown in the images below. 


Alternatively, use the “command-K” shortcut.

2) In the pop-up window, paste or type in the URL of your network share. The URL , e.g., consists of your UNI and your share name. In this example the network share tier is General Tier, UNI is called ztest01 (user your UNI) and the network share is called testshare (use your network share name).

Example: smb://adcu\


To connect to other tiers, change the hostname:

Connect to Staging Tier (staging): smb://alpha\ztest01:*@labshareadcu\

Connect to General Tier (labshare): smb://adcu\ Image Removedtestshare

Connect to Longer-term Tier (locker): smb://adcu\

Click on the “+” button to add the share to the list of “Favorite Servers”. (Next time when you want to connect to the share, you can click on the share URL in the “Favorite Servers” area.)Image Removed


Click “Connect”.


3) In the pop-up login window, provide  your username and password.

Enter your username as “alpha“adcu\<your_UNI>”, e.g., alphaadcu\ztest01. The field may already be pre-filled, in which case verify that the username is correct and that it starts with “alpha“adcu\”.

The password is your UNI password.


You can repeat steps 1-4 to mount additional shares.


Disconnect from SMB share

Click on the “Eject” icon next to the share name.


If you are experiencing an issue with editing or deleting files and your run across an error message such as The operation can’t be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code 100057), it’s likely that the computer you are using, e.g., a MacBook, is not logged in with your UNI, e.g., if you have a email address. Try using the Make Me Admin and Elevate Rights.


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