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About this Policy Table of Contents |
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Bylaws: Stated Rules of the Columbia Mailman School of Public HealthMissionThe mission of the Columbia Mailman School of Public Health is: “to advance the health and well-being of populations around the world." Vision The Columbia Mailman School of Public Health seeks to advance, transmit, and apply knowledge in the field of public health. To this end, the following activities are to be fostered:
To that end, these four complementary goals are to be achieved by:
Statement of ValuesThe Columbia Mailman Mailman School is a community dedicated to improving the public’s health and achieving health equity through the advancement of knowledge, teaching, and service. As scholars, staff, students, and alumni, we are committed to principles of social justice and to the promotion of health as a fundamental right of every human being. We aspire to alleviate human suffering and improve the health of all populations, especially the most vulnerable, through research and translation of evidence into solutions, education, service, communication, and action. We are committed to promoting interdisciplinary approaches to solving public health problems, collaborating across disciplines in the Mailman School and with schools across Columbia University, as well as domestic and global partners. The following values guide the Mailman School:
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SECTION I:FacultyA. Membership of the FacultyThe Faculty of Columbia Mailman School of Public Health shall consist of the President, the Provost or Provosts, the Executive Vice President for Health and Biomedical Sciences and Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, the Dean of the Faculty of Public Health, and such officers of instruction and of administration as may be assigned thereto by the Trustees. All full time professors, associate professors and assistant professors, without regard to qualifying adjectives in titles, shall be members of the Faculty of Columbia Mailman School of Public Health. Faculty who are partially retired retain their faculty membership. B. Rights of MembershipMembers of the Faculty of Columbia Mailman School of Public Health shall have the right to:
C. Meetings of the Faculty(School Assembly)The School Assembly consists of the members of the Faculty of the School (as defined above). In addition, Officers of Administration, adjunct faculty, representatives of affiliated Centers and representatives of student government may be invited to take part in its deliberations, but only members of the Faculty shall have the right to vote. There shall be monthly meetings of the School Assembly during the academic year to discuss issues of major importance to the School, to receive reports from standing and ad hoc committees of the School, and to conduct the business of the Faculty of the School. At least two School Assemblies shall be led by the Steering Committee yearly. Additional meetings may be held on the call of the Dean of the School of Public Health, the Faculty Steering Committee, or upon petition of five members of the Faculty to consider specific questions. The Dean of the School of Public Health or an appointed replacement shall preside. Robert’s Rules of Order shall be observed. The agenda for the School Assembly meeting shall be set by the Dean of the School in consultation with the Steering Committee and shall be circulated to all members, ideally, one week in advance. Any votes taken during the School Assembly shall be appropriately recorded. A majority of the voting members present at the School Assembly shall constitute a quorum but in no case shall a quorum consist of less than 5% of the total voting membership. A tie vote shall result in a non-decision with reconsideration at a later date by the School Assembly. In rare circumstances on issues of special importance, a mail or electronic ballot may be prepared for distribution to the entire Faculty. The agenda for a Special School Assembly (not the regularly scheduled School Assembly) meeting shall be stated at the time the meeting is called, and a vote may only be taken on items stated in the agenda. D. Powers (University Statutes, Article 35)The Faculty, subject to the reserved power of the Trustees and the provisions of the Statutes, shall have the power and it shall be their duty:
The Faculty shall act on all such matters as may be referred to it by the Dean of Columbia Mailman School of Public Health, or the Steering Committee. E. Limitations of Powers (University Statutes, Article 36)Every proposed exercise of powers conferred on the School of Public Health which involves a change in the educational policy of the University in respect to the program of studies shall be submitted to the University Senate before being recommended to the Trustees, and such recommendation shall not be laid before the Trustees until the University Senate has acted thereon or until another meeting of the University Senate has been held. No exercise of such powers by any Faculty or Administrative Board shall take effect until the same shall have been submitted to the Trustees at one meeting and another meeting shall have been held. F. University Senate (University Statutes 20, 21)The School of Public Health shall be represented in the University Senate by exact numbers in each category to be determined by the rules of the University Senate:
All shall serve for a period of two years. An Electoral Commission shall be appointed by the Steering Committee of each year. The Electoral Commission shall contain at least one representative from each of the three constituencies listed above. This commission shall receive nominations and conduct elections in accord with the Elections Code of the University Senate and must abide by the regulations laid down by the Senate Electoral Commission. |
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SECTION II: Steering Committee of theFaculty Steering Committee of the Faculty AssemblyA. Composition and Method of ElectionThe Steering Committee shall be composed of twelve members, six departmental representatives and six faculty at large. Steering Committee members serve for three years. To preserve continuity, terms are staggered such that normally four Steering Committee members rotate off each year while eight remain. Steering committee members cannot serve consecutive three-year terms. Elections (or appointments) for Steering Committee are held in April of each year. To maintain staggered terms, each year two of the six departments shall elect - or in some departments the chair shall appoint - a departmental representative to serve on Steering Committee for a three-year term. If a departmental representative leaves before the expiration of his or her term, their department shall select a replacement to complete the term. For the purpose of determining representation in the Steering Committee, a member holding appointments in two departments or appointed in one department and assigned to another shall be considered to be a member of the department specified in the interdepartmental agreement as the primary department. In addition to the aforementioned six departmental representatives, each year the faculty shall elect two candidates from a school-wide pool of candidates. the Columbia Mailman School of Public Health (MSPH) vice dean for education shall solicit nominations for these at large positions. Individuals can nominate themselves or be nominated by another faculty member. At the close of the nominating process, ballots shall be prepared and sent to the faculty by email. Should two or more candidates tie for second place, there shall be a run-off between the tied candidates. If an at large member leaves before the end of his or her term, a new election shall be held for the residual amount of the term. The Steering committee shall also include two student members, preferably one doctoral and one master’s degree candidate, to be appointed by the Student Government Association. Two ex officio members from the Dean’s office shall also be part of the Steering Committee as well as one administrator. Students and ex officio members are non-voting members of the Committee. The elected chair (or co-chairs) of the Steering Committee shall preside at each meeting. At its first meeting of the academic year, the chair (or co-chairs) shall be elected by the current members by secret ballot. The chair (or co-chairs) shall represent the Steering Committee at meetings of the School Assembly and on the Policy Advisory Committee (PAC). The Steering Committee shall meet once a month except in July and August and may be convened with due notice at any time at the request of three members, the committee chair(s), or the dean. The Steering Committee shall maintain and make available for review by members of the School Assembly minutes of each Committee meeting. B. Right to VoteThe Steering Committee may invite officers of instruction, research or administration in the University to take part in its deliberations, but only Steering Committee members shall have the right to vote. In the case of a tie vote which cannot be resolved by further deliberation, the matter may be brought to the entire faculty for consideration. CB. PowersThe Steering Committee shall act on behalf of the Faculty and shall exercise all powers accorded the Faculty under University Statutes, Article 35. The Steering Committee shall also have the power to:
All standing committees of the School shall include a member of the Steering Committee either as a regular or ex officio member, if there is interest on the part of Steering Committee members. Likewise, ad hoc committees considering issues that have a school-wide impact on faculty will involve the Faculty Steering Committee in the formulation stage, and have a Steering Committee member as a regular or ex officio member. Significant interim reports and all final reports, or appropriate summaries of School-wide Committees shall be transmitted to the School Assembly through the Steering Committee. |
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SECTION III:Committee of Columbia Mailman School of Public HealthCommitteesA. Policy Advisory Committee (PAC)The Policy Advisory Committee shall consist of the dean of the School, vice deans, chairs (or acting chairs) of departments, directors of school-wide Centers, chair(s) of the Steering Committee, chief of staff, senior director of communications, and associate dean for development and alumni relations. Substitutes shall not be permitted. The dean of the School shall be the committee chair. The Policy Advisory Committee shall hold one meeting each month during the academic year. The Policy Advisory Committee is advisory to the Dean. It shall review and comment on matters of policy and regulations governing the administration of the School in accordance with the provisions of these stated rules. Any PAC member can suggest agenda items for the committee meeting. A majority of the membership shall constitute a quorum. Action items from each meeting of the Policy Advisory Committee shall be circulated to its members at least one week prior to the following meeting. B. Other Standing Committees
C. Composition and Functions of Other Standing Committees:1. Curriculum CommitteeComposition The Committee shall be comprised of the dean of the School or his or her representatives including representatives from the Office of Education and Office of Student Affairs, faculty representatives from each department, and one representative from the student body. A Committee member may represent more than one constituency. The Committee shall select the chairman of the Committee. All members shall have one vote. If there is a tie vote, the decision shall be passed to the school’s Steering Committee. At the discretion of the dean of the School, and on advice of the Committee, alumni and others may be called on to serve in an advisory capacity. Functions of the Curriculum Committee The Curriculum Committee is charged with the task of ensuring and maintaining the quality, coherence and effectiveness of the public health curriculum at the School, including dual master's degree programs and the public health components of the PhD programs. All matters concerning curricular affairs shall come within the purview of this committee. The Curriculum Committee shall develop policy guidelines related to new course and certificate development, syllabus design, course duplication and interdepartmental courses. In addition, the committee shall review and evaluate programs and educational experiences for which credit is given, through activities including but not limited to the following: ongoing review of new course syllabi, evaluation of requests for credit change, assessment of requested course title changes, review of new proposed degree programs, and evaluation of proposed online or distance-based courses. Additional activities shall include: the review and discussion of annual departmental summaries describing departmental-level processes for course development and evaluation; promotion of closer inter-departmental coordination of teaching activities; promotion and implementation of inter-departmental courses; and formulation of proposals for curricular changes. The Committee shall invite representatives of the relevant Departments and schools, as well as alumni and others serving in an advisory capacity, to join with them in their deliberations. The Committee shall confer with the Doctoral Committee in all curricular matters related to that program. The Committee shall report to the Dean all recommendations on curricular matters. If the Committee's proposals involve significant changes in the curriculum, the Dean shall submit them to the Steering Committee. 2. Committee on Appointments and Promotions (Columbia Mailman School of Public Health)Composition:
Case Review Protocol:
Additional Tenure Case Review Procedures:
Faculty Assembly Review: Cases that COAP approves for appointment or promotion are then voted on by the Faculty via electronic ballot. Faculty members are invited to vote on either the entire slate of candidates or on individual candidates, and each case will pass if the majority of votes are positive. For cases subject to TRAC review, only tenured MSPH faculty shall be invited to vote. For all other promotions, the entire faculty shall be invited to participate. 3. Admissions Committee (Masters)Composition: The committee shall consist of the Director of Admissions and Financial Aid, The Associate Dean for Student Affairs, Faculty of the School representing each Department, one student representative (for policy discussions, not admissions review) and if the Dean chooses, an additional member in an ex officio capacity. The Committee shall be chaired by the faculty member selected by the dean (based on the nomination of the Vice Dean of Education). Functions of the Admissions Committee: It shall be the responsibility of the Committee to:
4. Doctoral CommitteeComposition: This committee shall consist of the doctoral program director(s) from each department that offers a DrPH or PhD degree. Should the program director(s) not be a faculty member, then a departmental faculty representative should also be appointed to represent that department’s faculty interests. The committee shall also include the dean of the School or a member of the administration appointed by the dean, ex officio; the director of financial aid and admissions, ex officio; one PhD degree candidate and one DrPH candidate, each appointed by the Office of Student Affairs and each of whom has completed at least one term of his/her doctoral program. Students are non-voting members of the Committee. Functions of the Doctoral Committee: The committee shall set school-wide policies and guidelines for both PhD and DrPH doctoral student education. The committee shall serve as a forum to share and discuss issues affecting departmental doctoral programs. The committee shall oversee the admissions process and approve admission decisions for applicants to the School's DrPH programs. Student members of the committee shall not attend portions of committee meetings during which individual applications are discussed. 5. Academic Standards CommitteeComposition: The committee shall be composed of the Director of Student Affairs, Director of Educational programs, two to three faculty members, one student and the Associate Dean for Student Affairs, ex officio. Functions of the Academic Standards Committee: The committee shall be charged with the responsibility for determining whether the individuals deemed to be in academic difficulty and who are enrolled in the PhD, DrPH, MPH, MHA and MS programs shall be allowed to continue as students in the School. Academic difficulty is generally indicated by grades below a B- grade point average or one or more grades of "F", or "UW" (unofficial withdrawal), on a student's record. The committee shall have the options of the following: issue warnings, impose specific requirements on students in consultation with their Department as conditions for continued enrollment, and recommend to the Vice Dean of Education dismissal of students. A student under review shall be notified in writing of all actions taken by the committee that affects his or her status. A student or an academic department wishing to appeal actions of the committee may request a hearing before the committee, and may have access to all documents pertinent to the Committee's action. If the student or academic department is dissatisfied with the outcome of this appeal, he or she may appeal the action directly to the vice dean of education at the School. 6. OthercommitteesCommittees:Other ad hoc committees may be formed by the dean, chairs, or faculty. Committees that have a school-wide impact on faculty lives should have representation from the Steering Committee. The purpose and composition of proposed new standing committees must be discussed by Steering at the time of their creation. SECTION IV – |
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Section IVAmendmentsAmendments to these stated rules may be proposed by any member of the School Assembly, but may not be voted upon before the next following regular meeting. Faculty may propose amendments to the School Assembly by petition of four members to the dean. Alternatively, the Steering Committee may propose amendments by notice to the Dean. At least two weeks prior to this meeting, notice of the proposed amendment shall be sent to all voting members of the School Assembly. Voting shall be by written ballot and shall require the approval of two-thirds of the ballots returned for adoption. APPENDICES Appendix A:– Authorship of Scholarly Publications.Scholarly works are an essential element of the academic enterprise. Peer-reviewed works contribute to the intellectual richness of the academic environment. Scholarly publications are also used as measures of professional achievement. Career advancement within the University is, in general, highly dependent upon being the first or senior author on a number of scholarly publications. Complicating matters, there are often collaborative research efforts involving multiple investigators and technical assistance from non-faculty research staff. Publications also often include acknowledgements for important contributions which yet do not rise to the level of co-authorship. Nevertheless, inclusion as an author and the order in which the names appear on published works has both practical and ethical aspects. For these reasons, the Columbia Mailman School of Public Health has developed a policy statement in consideration of authorship of scholarly publications. It is the intent of these policies to be in conformity with principles and journal-specific guidelines already established by various journals and professional societies and to adhere to the highest ethical standards governing authorship practices. This policy statement is intended to apply to all faculty, students and staff of the Columbia Mailman School of Public Health who are engaged in scholarly endeavors at the School. An important objective for publishing these guidelines is to safeguard the rights of students and junior faculty, while, at the same time, ensuring that senior faculty are fully recognized for their intellectual contributions. This policy statement is intended to serve as a guide to faculty, staff and students and, in the event of disagreements about authorship, to assist in dispute resolution. As with all policies that govern complex issues, it is recognized that issues may arise that are not explicitly covered in the policy and that there must be room for individual judgments. Authorship - A person claiming authorship of a scholarly publication must have met either or both of the following criteria:
The term “substantial” is subjective. The following questions can be useful in determining whether a research participant has made a “substantial” original contribution, worthy of co-authorship. An author should be able to answer “yes” to at least one of these questions. Has this individual:
It is critical that those with substantial contribution to a study/project be acknowledged as authors. Conversely, individuals who make lesser contributions should not automatically be given authorship. Order of Authorship – The importance of the position of an author’s name in the list of contributing authors varies by scholarly discipline. Usually the first author is the individual who is primarily responsible for writing the manuscript. In general, the first author will have played a leading role in the conception, analyses and conclusions being reported. First authorship does not implicitly derive from academic rank. First authors can be graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, junior faculty or officers of research. On occasion, two or more people may have made substantial contributions to the research and merit recognition as first authors. In most journals, such collaboration is recognized in an asterisked footnote stating ‘the following authors contributed equally to this work’. In many instances the last author is the principal or senior investigator of the project. He/she may be the laboratory/program head who is recognized as the leader of the overall project and may have developed some or all of the conceptual framework of the study. The last author may also be the investigator responsible for obtaining and managing the funds that supported the research. For manuscripts that result from collaborative efforts between laboratories or groups based at different institutions, issues of first authorships can become even more complex. Often the individuals responsible for the work are listed before the principal investigators who are responsible for the overall collaboration. For example, if the collaboration is between two laboratories/groups with one graduate student conducting the work in each laboratory/group, then the two graduate students should be listed first, before laboratory/project heads. In such complex situations, clear and open discussion at the commencement of the collaboration is strongly encouraged. The order of all listed authors often follows the order of contribution from greatest to least but there is great variation from journal to journal. Accountability - Every author listed on a publication must approve the final version of the manuscript. Each author is responsible for the integrity of the research and findings reported. Acknowledgement – The production of scholarly works often requires highly skilled work by technical support staff, such as interviewers, coders, laboratory technicians and data entry personnel. While such support staff make important contributions, their work, in and of itself, often does not fulfill the criteria for authorship discussed above. In many cases, their contribution does, however, merit acknowledgement and authors should make every effort to fully acknowledge essential contributions made by others. Proper acknowledgement of contributions in the media – Many scholarly works produced by Mailman School of Public Health researchers are of substantial interest to the public and professional media. It is often senior investigators, and not the first authors, who discuss the results of the particular publication with the media and usually place research findings in the context of the larger work. Senior investigators should acknowledge all those who provided major contributions to the work and press releases, wherever possible, should include full authorship information. Disputes Over Authorship – The best way to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts about authorship and acknowledgement is for senior investigators to discuss authorship issues early in the process of planning or implementation of a study/project. It is, of course, recognized that it is often impractical to commit to authorship order before the work is completed. Individual contributions can change significantly during the course of the study, and, indeed, new or unexpected findings often emerge. In these instances, authorship should be guided by the principles outlined here and by adherence to high ethical standards. Efforts should be made to resolve disagreements about omission from the author list or disagreement about the order of authorship through discussions between the principal investigator and the individuals involved. Should that fail, faculty and students may seek informal assistance from department chairs, center directors and/or the dean of students. If informal resolution fails to resolve the dispute, individuals can request the vice dean for research institute a formal grievance proceeding. Annually, the vice dean of research shall provide the Faculty Steering Committee a summary of any authorship disputes that have come to his/her attention. --------- Appendix B:– Faculty Rights & ResponsibilitiesHolding a faculty position at the Columbia Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, confers rights and responsibilities on both the School and faculty member consistent with the School’s mission and faculty members’ own professional goals and expectations. The purpose of this document is to clarify these rights and responsibilities. The Columbia Mailman School of Public Health is, at heart and by mission, a school within a great university with a strong research, service and educational mission. Our core research, service and teaching commitments are joined by our responsibility to translate new knowledge into innovative policy and practice solutions, with the goal of having a significant impact in improving the public’s health. Our faculty expect to contribute with outstanding and transformative accomplishments in these areas. Per the MSPH By-Laws, MSPH faculty are defined as: “All full time Professors, Associate Professors and Assistant Professors, without regard to qualifying adjectives in titles, shall be members of the Faculty of Columbia Mailman of Public Health. Faculty who are partially retired retain their faculty membership." Faculty Rights and Mailman School and Department Responsibilities:
Columbia Mailman School and Department Expectations and Faculty Responsibilities:It is the Mailman School’s expectation that every faculty member shall strive for the highest quality in their professional endeavors, thereby contributing to Columbia Mailman's teaching, research and/or service mission. 10. The Mailman School and Departments expect faculty to teach in their areas of expertise. Each faculty member is expected to teach or co-teach and be fairly compensated for at least one course per academic year, with variations based on class size, newness of the course and other variations in teaching load; specific expectations for teaching are clearly set within the appointing Department and may vary among Departments. In some cases faculty may assume administrative roles in the department in lieu of teaching. Please see the relevant Departments’ documents outlining the teaching expectations. Faculty are responsible for striving for excellence in teaching, including using state-of-the-art materials and methods to enhance students’ learning experiences. 11. The Department shall assign a reasonable number of advisees and allocate appropriate compensation for advising. It is the responsibility of faculty to provide regular guidance for academic and future professional achievement to each advisee. 12. Senior faculty are expected to mentor junior faculty with high quality mentoring, as agreed upon with their Departments and school-wide Centers, to facilitate their career success. Mentors are responsible for generosity and good-faith efforts to promote the career advancement, consistent with agreed-upon goals and tenure potential when relevant, of their mentees. 13. Faculty are expected to participate in active research or service programs and education of excellence and import for the public’s health, and to conduct this work consistent with the highest professional standards of ethics, accountability and scientific rigor. Senior faculty are expected to lead this work and to support success of junior faculty, while junior faculty are expected to consistently progress toward future leadership. Faculty are responsible for striving for important contributions and innovation that will advance their fields with distinction. 14. Service on Departmental, School or University committees is expected of faculty. Faculty are responsible for agreeing to serve as appropriate on committees, standing or ad hoc, and participate in other departmental and school-wide activities, such as reviewing MPH and doctoral applications, recruitment efforts and other appropriate activities. 15. Faculty must adhere to University and Mailman School policies relating to the University’s and Mailman School’s name and insignias in any print or electronic media. Neither faculty nor their staff should use the official title of the University, or any of its parts, except in connection with legitimate University purposes. Faculty may use their Columbia title for identification purposes in accordance with the Faculty Handbook and are expected to maintain standards of professionalism and accuracy. 16. Columbia Mailman builds brand equity through consistent execution of a visual and editorial style in all print, digital, promotional, and educational materials. Faculty are expected to use MSPH Office of Strategic Communications guidelines in design and production of any communications and marketing materials, including external presentations. 17. Faculty are expected to be in compliance with all the University’s and Mailman School’s required training and certifications related to teaching, the conduct of research, data security, effort reporting, conflict of interest and any other applicable policies as adopted by the School. 18. Columbia University expects faculty to function at the highest level of ethical behavior and personal accountability in teaching, conducting research, engaging in programs and teaching and assuring integrity in business operations, reporting, regulatory compliance and confidentiality. In carrying out their commitments, faculty are required to meet the obligations and responsibilities as described in the Columbia University Faculty Handbook. FinancialobligationsObligations of Columbia Mailman School, Departments and Faculty19. Faculty Faculty have the right to compensation that is fair and equitable regardless of gender, race, national origin and other protected categories and with peers across Departments, school-wide Centers and School. The Departments, school-wide Centers and School are responsible for ensuring that compensation is fair and equitable for teaching, mentoring, advising, committee service and other services provided to the University, School and Department communities. 20. A reality of being a faculty member at MSPH is that all faculty have a responsibility to contribute to the financial health of the School. The operation of Columbia Mailman depends on tuition, indirect costs from grants and endowment income. At a minimum, all faculty, both tenured, tenure track and non-tenured, must support their salaries through grants or administration and teaching. However, it must be recognized that Columbia Mailman depends on faculty doing more than just covering their salaries. Faculty, including non-tenured, tenure track and tenured, are expected to generate revenue to cover their research and service work, appropriate portions of their salaries, other relevant staff salaries, fringe benefits, allocated departmental and/or center expenses, indirect costs and other School and Department expenses, as appropriate. Good-faith, ambitious efforts to generate revenue from sources that cover all of these items, including indirect costs, at appropriate levels is expected. 21. Departments are obligated to maintain a financial plan that includes realistic projections for supporting the number of tenure track and tenured faculty in the Department. Only the number of faculty that can realistically be supported in the prevailing and projected funding environment should be offered such positions. 22. Existing and prospective faculty have the right to know the current and projected financial status of Departments and the criteria for the use of Department and School resources to support non-tenured, tenure track and tenured faculty who have inadequate financial coverage from other sources. 23. Administrative support for grant submission and management must be provided to faculty who submit grants through Department or school-wide centers. Faculty members are responsible for the financial management of their grants, contracts and other academic accounts in accordance with all university and funders’ regulations and requirements. For further information, please see the Columbia University on-line sponsored research handbook. |
Agreed by the Faculty Assembly and the Dean as of 2/2008
Revised by Faculty Assembly in 2003 and 2008
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