2) In the pop-up window, type in the URL of your network share. The URL consists of your UNI and your share name. In this example the network share tier is General Tier, UNI is called ztest01 (user your UNI) and the network share is called testshare (use your network share name).
Example: smb://alpha\ztest01:*@labshareztest01@labshare-smb.engram.rc.zi.columbia.edu:/testshare
To connect to other tiers, change the hostname:
Connect to Staging Tier (staging): smb://alpha\ztest01:*@stagingztest01@staging-smb.engram.rc.zi.columbia.edu:/testshare
Connect to General Tier (labshare): smb://alpha\ztest01:*@labshareztest01@labshare-smb.engram.rc.zi.columbia.edu:/testshare
Connect to Longer-term Tier (locker): smb://alpha\ztest01:*@lockerztest01@locker-smb.engram.rc.zi.columbia.edu:/testshare
Click on the “+” button to add the share to the list of “Favorite Servers”. (Next time when you want to connect to the share, you can click on the share URL in the “Favorite Servers” area.)
Click “Connect”.