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Step 1: Click on button on your the home screen of your Managed Mac.

  • This will open the "Finder" folder in your system.

Step 2: Go to "Applications" folder as shown.

Step 3: Scroll down to "Self-Service" and open the application by clicking on it.

The "Self-Service" center opens as shown.

Step 4: Search "RingCentral" in the search field as shown.

  • This will open the suite of products RingCentral Suite offers for Managed Mac.

Install RingCentral Phone

Complete Step 1 - 4 and continue:
Step 5: Click "Install" on the Application : RingCentral Phone.

Step 6: Allow the installation process finish as shown in the image.

Install RingCentral Glip

Complete Step 1 - 4 and continue:
Step 5: Click "Install" on the Application : RingCentral.

Step 6: Allow the installation process finish as shown in the image.

Install RingCentral Meetings

Complete Step 1 - 4 and continue:
Step 5: Click "Install" on the Application : RingCentral Meetings.

Step 6: Allow the installation process finish as shown in the image.

Your RingCentral Suite is now installed and will show up in "Applications" folder. You can start signing in now.

Note: Please refer to following article to sign in on Mac.

Click to open:

titleOn this page

Table of Contents

titleHelpful Tips
  • Install all the three product together to avoid installing them separately.


CUIT Walk-in Center: 202 Philosophy Hall

Hours: Monday to Friday from 10am - 6pm

You can submit a ticket to make an appointment, ask questions or report an issue. Customers can expect a response within one business day.

Alternatively you can call the CUIT Service Desk at 212-854-1919 during the hours below:

  • Monday - Thursday: 8am - 11pm
  • Friday: 8am - 7pm
  • Saturday: 10am - 6pm
  • Sunday: 3pm - 11pm