Use the following example patterns as a guide. Implementing every HTTP method and complex search query parameters is not required but should follow these patterns when used.
GET https://<domain-app>.api.columbia.edu/{v}/{resources} - Retrieves a list of resources
GET https://<domain-app>.api.columbia.edu/{v}/{resources}/{id} - Retrieves a specific resource
POST https://<domain-app>.api.columbia.edu/{v}/{resources} - Creates a new resource using JSON payload
PUT https://<domain-app>.api.columbia.edu/{v}/{resources}/{id} - Updates resource info
PATCH https://<domain-app>.api.columbia.edu/{v}/{resources}/{id} - Partially updates the resource
DELETE https://<domain-app>.api.columbia.edu/{v}/{resources}/{id} - Deletes the resource
Search GET https://<domain-app>.api.columbia.edu/{v}/{resources}?filter=[{”{attribute1}”,”{op1}”,”{value1}”},…,{”{attribute2}”,”{op2}”,”{value2}”}]&sortBy={attribute}&sortOrder={asc|desc} - Search for resource(s) in collection
Fields List GET https://<domain-app>.api.columbia.edu/{app}/{v}/{resources}?fields={“field1”,”field2”,…,”fieldN”}
Basic Operation APIs are shown with examples (for the directory app, version 1):
GET https://<domain-app>.api.columbia.edu/directory/v1/people people - Retrieves a list of People from directory
GET https://<domain-app>.api.columbia.edu/v1/people/jd1234 jd1234 - Retrieves John Doe's information based on UNI
POST https://<domain-app>.api.columbia.edu/v1/people people - Creates a new employee using JSON payload
PUT https://<domain-app>.api.columbia.edu/v1/people/jd1234 jd1234 - Updates John Doe's info in Directory
PATCH https://<domain-app>.api.columbia.edu/v1/people/jd1234 jd1234 - Partially updates the John Doe's info in Directory
DELETE https://<domain-app>.api.columbia.edu/v1/people/jd1234 jd1234 - Deletes John Doe's record in directory
Search GET https://<domain-app>.api.columbia.edu/v1/people?filter=[{“surname”,”like”,”Smith*”}]&sortBy=“surname”&sortOrder=“asc” “asc” - Search for people with surnames starting with Smith
GET https://<domain-app>.api.columbia.edu/{v}/console: API console (MuleSoft APIkit).
GET https://<domain-app>.api.columbia.edu/{v}/resourceTypes: An endpoint used to discover the types of resources used by this app.
GET https://<domain-app>.api.columbia.edu/{v}/types : (schemas) Introspect resource and attribute definitions.
Enterprise Metadata Resources (DRAFT)
SSL Everywhere
Always use SSL, no exceptions. This is enforced at the f5 load balancer (api.columbia.edu) which terminates SSL sessions.